Bacon Chocolate Muffins


There is something indescribable about the combination of bacon and chocolate. It either fills you with horror or delight. For me, it’s delight. I’ve made chocolate covered bacon before, so why not have a go at chocolate bacon muffins. I didn’t let the fact that I don’t have any muffin liners stop me. But in hindsight, I should have let that stop me. So, in a case of do as I say and not as I do, let me suggest you use muffin liners…. These tasty treats are crumbly when they are first out of the oven, but I found once they’d been in the fridge for a few hours, they kept their shape better.

Saying that, still: use muffin liners.

Bacon Chocolate Muffins

Servings: 16






  1. Preheat the over to 200*C.

  2. Cook the bacon until it's crispy and drain on some paper towel.

  3. Melt the dark chocolate. Crumble about 8 slices of the bacon onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and pour the chocolate over the top. Leave this to solidify while you do the rest.

  4. Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

  5. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, creme fraiche, espresso, honey, olive oil. Add this mixture to the dry ingredients and mix as well as you can. This will be difficult! Add the water, about 500ml to make the mixture more liquidy. The coconut flour sucks up the moisture.

  6. Chop up the now hardened bacon-chocolate into 'chocolate chips' and stir these into the mixture.

  7. Your batter will not be so liquidy, but rather like cookie dough. In fact, you could probably skip the muffin tin all together and just plop them on some non-stick paper and bake them. But this recipe is for muffins!

  8. Fill your MUFFIN PAPER LINED muffin tray. You can probably get around 16-18 muffins out of this mixture.

  9. Bake for about half an hour at 200*C until a toothpick comes out more or less clean.

  10. Leave to cool while you make the frosting.


  1. Melt the chocolate and coconut oil together then add the vanilla and coffee granules. Stick it all in a bowl in the fridge to cool for about half an hour.

  2. After half an hour, using a hand beater, blend up the mixture and add the cream cream.

  3. Spread on now cooled muffins and garnish with a piece of the remaining bacon.

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