Sent Steve grocery shopping on his own the other day. He came back with a cabbage – when I’d asked for cauliflower. “But it said ‘col’, that’s right, yes?” In catalan, ‘col’ is cabbage. ‘col-i-flor’ is cauliflower. You’d THINK he’d recognise it! Hey ho – gave me an excuse to come up with this tasty side dish!
Cabbage and bacon
Slice cabbage.
In a large dutch oven (I think that's what it's called - huge casserole dish, at least), melt the butter and add the chopped bacon. Cook until it's more or less crispy then add the chopped onion and cook for a further 5 to 10 minutes on a low heat. It kinda caramelises.
Throw in the tablespoon or so of powdered garlic (yes, you could always use fresh - I was being lazy. Again.) and stir about then toss in your chopped cabbage.
Stir it all about then cover, cooking on a low heat for about half an hour or so - stir it occasionally so it doesn't stick too much to the bottom of the pan and make a mess which someone else will have to wash up later. Throw in a bit of sea salt, too. If you like that sorta thing. I rarely add salt to my cooking, but this kinda needed it.
Serve as a side dish. Or just on its own, for lunch. Which is what I had today. Incidentally, as leftovers and reheated, it's even tastier!